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Quotes from Joseph Smith


By Faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent Sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh. how doth ye yet speak? Why he magnified the Priesthood which was confirmed upon him and died a righteous man, and therefore has become an angel of God by receiving his body from the dead, therefore holding still the keys of his dispensation and was sent down from heaven unto Paul to minister consoling words & to commit unto him a knowledge of the mysteries of Godliness and if this was not the case I would ask how did Paul know so much about Abel and why should he talk about his speaking after he was dead. How that he spoke after he was dead must be, by being sent down out of heaven, to administer

Source: Original manuscript written by Robert Thomson as dictated by Joseph Smith on October 5, 1840. Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842] [addenda],” p. 16 [addenda], The Joseph Smith Papers


Adam who was the first man who is spoken of in Daniel as being the “Ancient of days” or in other words the first and oldest of all, the great grand progenitor of whom it is said in another place he is Michael because he was the first and father of all, not only by progeny, but he was the first to hold the spiritual blessings, the plan to whom was made known the plan of ordinances for the Salvation of his posterity unto the end, and to whom Christ was first revealed, and through whom Christ has been revealed from heaven and will continue to be revealed from henceforth. 

Source: Original manuscript written by Robert Thomson as dictated by Joseph Smith on October 5, 1840. Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842] [addenda],” p. 16 [addenda], The Joseph Smith Papers

Adam holds the Keys of the dispensation of the fulness of times, i.e. the dispensation of all the times have been and will be revealed through him from the beginning to Christ and from Christ to the end of all world the dispensations that have are to be revealed.

Source: Original manuscript written by Robert Thomson as dictated by Joseph Smith on October 5, 1840. Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842] [addenda],” p. 16 [addenda], The Joseph Smith Papers

Hebrews 1 Chap. 16 verse. Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of Salvation. These angels are under the direction of Michael or Adam who acts under the direction of Christ.

Source: Original manuscript written by Robert Thomson as dictated by Joseph Smith on October 5, 1840. Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842] [addenda],” p. 16 [addenda], The Joseph Smith Papers

This then is the nature of the priesthood, every man holding the presidency of his dispensation and one man holding the presidency of them all even Adam, and Adam receiving his presidency and authority from Christ, but cannot receive a fulness, until Christ shall present. the kingdom to the Father which shall be at the end of the last dispensation. 

Source: Original manuscript written by Robert Thomson as dictated by Joseph Smith on October 5, 1840. Source: “History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842] [addenda],” p. 16 [addenda], The Joseph Smith Papers


Baptism Is a holy ordinance preparatory to the reception of the Holy Ghost. It is the channel & Key by which the Holy Ghost will be administered

Source: “Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 2 July 1839, as Reported by Willard Richards,” p. 16, The Joseph Smith Papers, accessed September 29, 2020,

Baptism for the Dead

There is baptism &c for those to exercise who are alive, and baptism for the dead, all who died without the knowledge of the gospel I am going on in my progress for eternal life— it is not only necessary that you should be baptized for your dead, but you will have to go thro’ all the ordinances for them, same as you have gone through, to save yourselves.

Source: Discourse given at Nauvoo on May 12, 1844 as recorded by Thomas Bullock. Thomas Bullock Report, May 12, 1844. Source: “Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock,” The Joseph Smith Papers

Every man that has been baptized and belongs to the Kingdom, has a right to be baptized for those who are gone before, and, as soon as the Law of the Gospel is obeyed here by their friends, who act as proxy for them, the Lord has administrators there, to set them free— a man may act as proxy for his own relatives— the ordination which ordinances of the Gospel was were laid out before the foundation of the world has have been thus fulfilled, by them, and we may be baptized for— those who we have much friendship for, but it must be first revealed to the man from of God lest he we should run too far.

Source: Discourse given at Nauvoo on May 12, 1844 as recorded by Thomas Bullock. Thomas Bullock Report, May 12, 1844. Source: “Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock,” The Joseph Smith Papers

Therefore those who are baptized for their dead are the Saviours on mount Zion & the[y] must receive their washings and their anointings for their dead the same as for themselves till the[y] are connected to the ones in the dispensation before us and trace their lineage to connect the priesthood again—— and if any other man preaches any other gospel than this and the Baptism for the remission of sins and the laying on of hands for the reception of the holy ghost Let him be anathamised or accursed the curse of god shall be upon him or them.

Source: George Laub Journal, May 12, 1844. Source: “Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by George Laub,” p. 20, The Joseph Smith Papers

Calling and Election

Now their is some grand secrett here & keys to unlock the subject Notwithstanding the Apostle Exhorts them to make their Calling Add to their faith virtue knowledge temperance &c yet he Exhorts them to make their calling & election shure & though they had herd the audible voice from heaven bearing testimony that Jesus was the son of God yet he says we have a more sure word of Prophecy whare unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place. Now wharein could they have a more sure word of prophecy than to hear the voice of God saying this is my Beloved son &c Now for the secret & grand key. though they might hear the voice of God & know that Jesus was the son of God this would be no evidence that their election & calling & election was made shure that they had part with Christ & was a Joint heir with him, they then would want that more sure word of prophecy that they were sealed in the heavens & had the promise of eternal live in the kingdom of God— then having this promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor to the soul sure & steadfast though the thunders might roll; & lightnings flash & earthquakes Bellow & war gather thick around yet this hope & knowledge would support the soul in evry hour of trial trouble & tribulation

Source: Discourse given at Nauvoo on May 12, 1844 as recorded in Wilford Woodruff’s journal. “Discourse, 14 May 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff,” p. [30], The Joseph Smith Papers

I would exhort you to go on & continue to call upon God untill you make your calling & election sure for yourselves by obtaining this more sure word of Prophescy & wait patiently for the promise untill you obtain it

Source: Discourse given at Nauvoo on May 12, 1844 as recorded in Wilford Woodruff’s journal. “Discourse, 14 May 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff,” p. [30], The Joseph Smith Papers

We were Eye witnesses of his Majesty we have also a more sure word of Prophecy. now brethren who can explain this no man be he that has obtained these things in the same way that Peter did. Yet it is so plain & so simple & easy to be understood that when I have shown you the interpretation thereof you will think you have always known it yourselves— These are but hints at those things that were revealed to Peter, and verily brethren there are things in the bosom of the Father, that have been hid from the foundation of the world. that are not known neither can be except by direct Revelation The Apostle says, unto them who have obtained like precious faith with us the apostles through the righteousness of God & our Savior Jesus Christ. through knowledge of him that has called us to glory & virtue add to faith virtue &c &c to godliness brotherly Kindness— Charity— ye shall neither be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

He that lacketh these things is blind— wherefore the rather brethren after all this give diligence to make your Calling & Election sure.

Source: Recorded by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, May 21, 1843. Source: Discourse, 21 May 1843, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray,” The Joseph Smith Papers​

Oh Peter if they who were of like precious faith with thee were injoined to make their Calling & Election sure, how much more all we, There are two Keys, one Key knowledge, the other, make your Calling & election sure, for if you do these things you shall never fall for so an entrance shall be administered unto you abundantly unto the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

Source: Recorded by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, May 21, 1843. Source: Discourse, 21 May 1843, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray,” The Joseph Smith Papers​

It is one thing to receive knowledge by the voice of God, (this is my beloved Son &c), & another to Know that you yourself will be Saved. to have a positive promise of your own Salvation is making your calling & election Sure, Viz the voice of Jesus Saying my beloved thou shalt have eternal life. Brethren never cease struggling until you get this evidence,

Take heed both before and after obtaining the more sure word of Prophecy

Source: Recorded by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray, May 21, 1843. Source: Discourse, 21 May 1843, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray,” The Joseph Smith Papers​

Oh! I beseech you to go forward, go forward and make your calling and your election sure.

Source: Discourse given at Nauvoo on May 12, 1844 as recorded by Thomas Bullock. Thomas Bullock Report, May 12, 1844. Source: “Discourse, 12 May 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock,” The Joseph Smith Papers

NOTE: Where possible, quotes and discourses come from original sources found on the Joseph Smith Papers website and other locations. The only changes to these documents I have made were obvious correcting spelling errors for the ease of reading.